Bringing Ayurveda & Modern Medicine

Medanta – Bringing Ayurveda & Modern Medicine Under one Roof


The contrast between Ayurveda and modern medicine has been prevalent for centuries. Western medications under Allopathy primarily focus on the symptoms of a disease and seek to cure its symptoms. This may result in a misbalance of elements in the body caused due to powerful allopathic drugs that may or may not cause side effects.  Allopathic treatment mostly focuses on symptom management that results in a uni-dimensional cure.

Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, provides a comprehensive cure to all kinds of patients for diseases that are generally difficult to treat by Western medicine doctors. Ayurveda offers a holistic and complete system of medicine and wellness. With several modern lifestyle diseases becoming prevalent in society, Ayurveda gives cures for many conditions like hair fall, Asthma, Liver Cirrhosis, Ageing, etc., by treating the root cause of the disease.

Medanta and a Holistic Approach to Cure

With the goal to achieve wholesome health, Medanta Hospital has always emphasized the utilization of holistic medicine that results in a cure of the ailment and systematically treats the symptoms and the causes of the disease. Doctors at Medanta believe in combining Ayurvedic philosophy’s potential with the real-life treatment of Allopathy to convert it into a wholesome approach to curing diseases.

Department of Integrative Medicine at Medanta

Medanta Hospital, under the able leadership of Dr. NareshTrehan, has worked to integrate modern medicine with the time–tested Ayurveda practices with a unique Department of Integrative Medicine. The doctors and medical researchers in this department have recognized and extended the scope of Ayurvedic science for patient care.

The hospital has used traditional therapies such as guava leaf for diarrhea and papaya leaves to treat dengue. Doctors of this department have utilized the Prakruti analysis of Ayurveda to predict diseases. They offer lifestyle modifications and preventive interventions to the patients enrolling for the same. In this regard, unique Executive Health Check-ups by Medantais quite popular now.

Integrated Treatment at Medanta

Medanta’s Department of Integrative Medicine and Holistic Therapies is dedicated to offering the patients blended healthcare based on contemporary medicine with the latest technology and traditional medicine and Yoga. In one of the many procedures, Ayurvedic practices have been found to be beneficial in the case of Dengue patients. In such cases, where these patients start losing their blood platelet counts, Ayurvedic medicines with papaya leaf treatment were used effectively to manage the platelet counts. When patients were treated with Ayurvedic medicines added to their regular treatment, they encountered lesser cases of side-effects.

Similarly, Medanta also extends medical treatment in the form of Ayurvedic supplements. These herbal remedies can be taken as teas, powders, jams, or applied as oil, soaps, and pastes. Medanta also encourages complementing the treatment of several complex diseases with Yoga. These diseases are Parkinson’s, diabetes, rheumatic fever, post-recovery of cardiac operations, and cancer treatments.

Overall, Medanta has a comprehensive medical ecosystem. Its dedicated health professionals provide its patients multiple treatment options based on disease and the patient’s need.

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