Untreated Gum Disease
Dental Care

Untreated Gum Disease – Wake Up to Long-term Risks


Periodontal or gum disease is common and is caused by poor dental habits. According to dentist Liverpool, this condition is commonly found in adults and children who experience tooth decay, tooth loss, and other dental issues. Gum disease is treatable, and when ignored, it could result in pain, discomfort, jaw damage, and even tooth loss.

What is a Periodontal or Gum Disease?

Gum disease is a condition in which the tissues supporting your teeth becomes infected. Excessive bacteria in your mouth leads to the development of plaque, which gets build upon the teeth and then hardens. It affects the tissues that support your teeth and results in gum disease. When left unattended, it could spread and destroy the jawbone and leads to tooth loss. Dentist Liverpool says poor dental hygiene is considered to be the primary cause of gum disease.


The symptoms of gum disease are not noticeable until someone has reached an advanced stage of the disease. However, some of the common symptoms of gum disease are swollen gums, mouth sores, gum bleeding, receding gums, loose teeth, bad breath, a change in bite, and more.

Different Stages of Gum Disease


Gingivitis is the initial stage of gum disease, and one of the symptoms is that the patient may experience bleeding gum. At this stage, the infection hasn’t attacked the bone, and it can be easily treated. You can reverse gingivitis by following proper dental hygiene and scheduling regular dental visits to your dental clinic in Liverpool.

Stage II Periodontal Disease

At this stage, the infection has spread to the bone and lead to bone loss. This condition isn’t reversible but manageable. Your dentist will remove bacterial build-up in your gum using scaling and other techniques.

Stage III Periodontal Disease

In this stage, the bacterial build-up is more profound, and bacteria have entered the bloodstream too. The symptoms are visible, and you can manage this stage by thoroughly cleaning gums by scaling.

Advanced Gum Disease

This is the final stage, and the infection contains disease-causing bacteria. You can notice red, swollen gums, bad breath, bone loss, and other symptoms. The best dentist in Liverpool suggests oral surgery to remove bacteria. However, without a proper treatment plan, it can lead to tooth loss, gum recession, and other health issues.

Healthy gums are crucial for your oral and overall health. So, it’s advised to seek medical attention at the initial stages to prevent the progression of gum disease.

Treatment Options

The ultimate goal of the treatment for gum disease is to keep the infection under control. Some of the commonly suggested treatments for gum disease are,

  • Dental cleaning – Removes plaque and tartar from the gum line
  • Scaling – Remove bacterial and provides a clean space for the gums to reattach properly
  • Flap surgery – Done in advanced stages to remove pocket blogs
  • Bone grafts – Replace affected bone with a synthetic bone
  • Oral surgery

Looking for options to improve your gum health? Talk to your dentist Liverpool to get helpful information on periodontal disease and how to prevent them.

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