hair loss treatment for women
Hair Care

Homeopathy: Best hair loss treatment for women


Hair loss is one of the most common issues that many women face. The prevalence of hair loss in women is 6% across all age groups, with a positive family history in 19.2%. (Source: Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology) Losing some strands of hair (approximately 100-150) is quite common but if this happens for a long time, then it indicates severe hair loss. Hair is that part of your body that symbolizes confidence. But when you have hair loss, then it takes a toll mentally and physically as well.

Reasons of hair loss in women

Hair loss can occur due to many reasons and some of the common reasons are as follows –

  • Illness
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Genetics
  • Severe emotional stress
  • Rapid weight-loss diets
  • Systemic illness
  • Hormonal changes
  • Medical conditions

These are some of the common reasons for hair loss in women which should not be ignored and should consult the doctor right away.

Symptoms of hair loss in women

Some of the most common symptoms of hair loss in women are as follows –

  • Full body hair loss
  • Sudden loosening of hair
  • Circular or patchy bald spots
  • Gradual thinning on top of head
  • Patches of scaling that spread over the scalp

These are some of the common symptoms of hair loss that should not be ignored and shown to the doctor immediately. Because once you notice that you are losing out a good amount of hair, then it needs to be treated for sure. Hair loss can really have a negative impact on both mind and body.

Homeopathy treatment for hair loss

Homeopathy is considered to be one of the safest and best treatments when it comes to hair loss. When we talk about homeopathy, then we are narrating a part where the treatment focuses on the root causes. Homeopathy provides long-term relief. A well-chosen homeopathic treatment helps in reducing the amount of hair fall. Homeopathic medicines are the natural medicines that are made from minerals, animal sources and plants that help in reducing the quantity of the hair loss.

Homeopathic medicines are individualized and customized by considering the root cause of the hair loss, the history of the patient, along with other causes such as hormonal imbalance, emotional stress, nutritional factors and the nature of the patient. Homeopathy actually helps a lot in hair fall control.

Duration of the homeopathy treatment

The initial improvement is seen in about 9-10 weeks but then the treatment course depends on the patient and varies from woman to woman. The duration of the treatment mostly depends on –

  • The duration of hair fall
  • The severity of hair fall
  • Use of any chemical agents or medications
  • Associated systemic illness

Homeopathy forms the main line of hair fall treatment for women. It can be supplemented with various other treatment options listed below for further enhancement.

  • Hair Vitalizing Treatment (HVT)

HVT is a US-FDA approved hair fall therapy for women. It reduces hair breakage. In this hair fall treatment for women, a low-level laser helmet is placed on the scalp for a period of 20 minutes. You can see results in 5 weeks. It has a success rate of 90% (as authenticated by the US-based agency American Quality Assessors (AQA)).

  • STM Cell Treatment

This South Korean innovation to grow your hair naturally, repairs hair tissue. This method triggers hair growth with negligible or no pain. This procedure takes 60 minutes once a week. You can see results in 6 weeks. It has a success rate of 88% (as authenticated by the AQA).

  • Gro HAIR Treatment

This French technology is grounded on a Nobel Prize winning innovation. This is India’s first non-invasive hair fall treatment for women. This treatment strengthens the hair’s keratin tissue. It brings the amino acids and vitamins essential for hair growth up to the hair root. This procedure takes 30 minutes once a week. This hair fall treatment for women is convenient and you can observe results in 5 weeks. It has a success rate of 77% (as authenticated by the AQA).

Dr Batra’s™ homeopathy treatment for hair loss in women is one of the most successful treatments with a high patient satisfaction rate of 96.6% (as authenticated by the AQA). They have successfully treated thousands of cases of hair loss. Homeopathy treatment for hair loss in women is administered after a carefully evaluated study of the patient’s history by considering the account of the nature of the disease, the sensitivities, the temperament etc. The amount of hair loss can be controlled significantly.

If you’re concerned about your hair, visit your nearest hair clinic and talk to a homeopathic doctor. Depending on the cause of hair fall, he/she might be able to recommend the best medication for hair loss.

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